March 02, 2017
| Madman Pictures
| 105 minutes
Directed by: Rachel Perkins
| Written by: Shaun Grant, Craig Silvey
| Literature: Craig Silvey
| Cinematography: Mark Wareham
| Editing: Veronika Jenet
| Costume Design: Margot Wilson
| Production Design: Herbert Pinter
| Music: Antony Partos
Set over the scorching summer holidays of 1969. 14-year-old Charlie (Levi Miller) gets an unexpected visit from the town's mixed race outcast Jasper Jones (Aaron L. McGrath), who shows him the dead body of young Laura Wishart. Entrusted with this secret and believing Jasper to be innocent, Charlie embarks on a dangerous journey to find the true killer. He also faces the breakup of his parents (Toni Collette, Dan Wyllie) and falls head over heels in love as he discovers what it means to be truly courageous.
Cast: Levi Miller (Charlie Bucktin), Aaron L. McGrath (Jasper Jones), Hugo Weaving (Mad Jack Lionel), Angourie Rice (Eliza Wishart), Toni Collette (Ruth Bucktin), Dan Wyllie (Wes Bucktin), Matt Nable (Sarge), Myles Pollard (Pete Wishart), Susan Prior (Gwyn Wishart), Gabrielle Chan (Kim Lu), Sam Longley (Detective Galbraith), Kevin Long (Jeffrey Lu), Wilson Moore (Warwick Trent), Cooper van Grootel (Batsman), Ferdinand Hoang (An Lu), David T. Cowell (Constable), Alexandra Jones (Sue Finlay)
Awards & Nominations
☆ Australian Film Critics Association Awards – Best Supporting Actress