Welcome to Toni Collette Online, your premiere web resource on the Australian actress and singer. Best known for her iconic performances in "Muriel's Wedding", "The
Sixth Sense", "United States of Tara" and "Hereditary", Toni Collette has emerged as one of her generation's greatest talents. In its 13th year online, his unofficial
fansite provides you with all latest news, in-depth information on all of her projects on film, television and the theatre as well as extensive archives with press
articles, photos and videos. Enjoy your stay.
All Stops Out |
The Sydney Morning Herald, John Carmody (July 23, 1989)
There’s quite a good play somewhere in here, but like the adolescents who are its principal concerns, it is immature and, even if the shell has cracked, it is a chick that is not yet ready to emerge. Writing for adolescents is a challenge which is fully worthy of the abilities of so gifted an artist as Gow, but success has so far eluded him. Lines which look satisfactory on the page too often fail to convince the ear, which is the real test.
The Sydney Morning Herald, Pamela Payne-Heckenberg (July 22, 1989)
Playwright Michael Gow has extended his canvas well beyond a simple narrative of schoolboys’ endeavours: he interrogates the very notion of formal education and he elaborates his argument across the spectrum – from kids’ views about school, community perceptions of the education system to parents’ concerns and expectations. Ultimately, Gow has a good deal of criticism about the existing system, but a strength of his writing is the provocative grey shade between his black and his white. Gaal’s direction is clean, crisp and dynamic. This is a young company of ATYP participants – and not professional actors. But what they sometimes lack in technique they more than compensate with in performances that are fortright, vital and honest.