Welcome to Toni Collette Online, your premiere web resource on the Australian actress and singer. Best known for her iconic performances in "Muriel's Wedding", "The
Sixth Sense", "United States of Tara" and "Hereditary", Toni Collette has emerged as one of her generation's greatest talents. In its 13th year online, his unofficial
fansite provides you with all latest news, in-depth information on all of her projects on film, television and the theatre as well as extensive archives with press
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Directed by: Craig Zisk | Written by: Diablo Cody, Jill Soloway
Official synopsis: It is Charmaine and Nick’s wedding day. Beverly and Frank arrive but it is clear Frank is suffering from early stages of dementia. Kate Gregson makes Zach leave the wedding when he acts too controlling. To make matters worse, Tara acts out as Chicken at the wedding ceremony and Nick leaves Charmaine at the alter. Finally, Charmaine and Tara confront their parents about their past and they finally admit that the girls were placed in foster care in 1976 because it became too difficult to take care of their older half brother, Bryce, who they don’t know the whereabouts of.
Last night marked the second season finale of our favorite “crazy” family! And boy did it involve each and every one of our beloved characters! “From This Day Forward” brought all the craziness to the table – and at Charmaine’s wedding to boot! Honestly, Nick really showed his true colors of being a d**k. Why wait until the last possible second to break it off with Charmaine? He had plenty of opportunities and because Tara altered into Chicken is what set him off? Really, why not end things when Charmaine admitted to him that the baby wasn’t his? Poor form Nick, poor form.
What about how creepy Kate’s new boyfriend is? He’s a 27 year old man that wants to buy her a condo to keep her safe from her own family? Weirdo! Plus, his hair really bothers me! It’s like he’s trying to be some edgy conservative guy – you really can’t be both! We LOVE Marshall and Lionel together! Finally we have a somewhat normal relationship here people! The only thing that could potentially cause a rift would be Lionel’s way too serious Gay Rights stand. We get that this is a very important matter, but Marshall needed him at his Aunt’s wedding and because some dumb a** Republican creepy guy gives him his opinion on marriage, Lionel leaves? He should have realized how important it was for him to be there for Marshall.
How great was it that Neil came back to Charmaine!? We knew all along that these two were M.F.E.O! I bet next season they will be buying the old Hubbard house and live happily ever after – that is, as long as Nick stays out of the picture! What do you think? Is this the last we see of Nick? So we finally get answers as to why Tara has her alters. She and Charmaine have a half brother from another mother! After all these years, her parents finally decide to tell her the truth about what really happened. Brice must have been sexually molesting Tara and it was Tara who protected Charmaine. Why on earth would her mother send them to a foster home!? If I were Tara’s mother I would kick the living sh*t out of Brice! Ugh! Mother’s like that shouldn’t be allowed to have children. What does this mean for Tara now that she knows why she is the way she is? Will the alters go away and back inside Tara and be one? We doubt that!
All in all, last night was jam packed with action on all accounts. We loved every minute of it and for us, the whole episode flew by! What did you think of the season finale? Leave your thoughts and opinions below – we love hearing from you!