Welcome to Toni Collette Online, your premiere web resource on the Australian actress and singer. Best known for her iconic performances in "Muriel's Wedding", "The
Sixth Sense", "United States of Tara" and "Hereditary", Toni Collette has emerged as one of her generation's greatest talents. In its 13th year online, his unofficial
fansite provides you with all latest news, in-depth information on all of her projects on film, television and the theatre as well as extensive archives with press
articles, photos and videos. Enjoy your stay.
While I can brag about having covered all of Toni Collette’s feature and television films on this site, there has been one project I haven’t been able to find – and which seemed impossible to find. In 1994, right before shooting “Muriel’s Wedding”, Toni Collette played the lead part of Cindy in a short subject called “This Marching Girl Thing”, directed by Kelli Simpson, about a young baton twirler with the Southern Twirlettes. Cindy looks like she fits in, but she’s just beginning to feel like she doesn’t. The film, with a running time of 20 minutes, was shown at film festivals around the world, including the Chicago International Film Festival and the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Film Fest, but it was never widely released or shown on television. Now, with many many thanks to the wonderful Adrienne, we have found a copy and I’m pleased to present you screencaptures from this gem. An honorable mention goes to Matt Day, who plays Toni’s boyfriend in the film – you surely remember him better as Brice Nobes, the cringe-worthy one-night-stand in “Muriel’s Wedding”. Click below to watch all screencaptures in the photo gallery. Once again, many thanks to Adrienne!