Welcome to Toni Collette Online, your premiere web resource on the Australian actress and singer. Best known for her iconic performances in "Muriel's Wedding", "The
Sixth Sense", "United States of Tara" and "Hereditary", Toni Collette has emerged as one of her generation's greatest talents. In its 13th year online, his unofficial
fansite provides you with all latest news, in-depth information on all of her projects on film, television and the theatre as well as extensive archives with press
articles, photos and videos. Enjoy your stay.
The “United States of Tara” is getting a new alter in the coming season. The character was revealed, sort of, at Showtime’s press tour sessions Saturday. A critic noticed that the “Tara” poster to the side of the stage featured an alter that didn’t look like one of Tara’s previously revealed alters. Creator Diablo Cody says the new alter’s name is Shoshanna, and she’ll be a “mentor” of sorts to Tara’s family. The character makes her first appearance in the season’s fourth episode, Cody says. Cody also says the new season will feature something called “co-consciousness” — in which Tara can communicate with an alter – and Tara moving in and out of her personalities more fluidly than she did last year. “Tara” is set to premiere March 22.